Back in the game! Day 6

I have no good excuse for my recent slacking.  My bad.  It doesn’t help any when I don’t get scolded by my readers for not posting my raw for the day.

I’ve done well today.  I had a smoothie this evening and decided I want to try my hardest to only have one cooked meal per day.  I must have said this 100 times!  I REALLY want to do this!  It gets easier the more raw you do.  I’ve done this before and was able to lose 50 pounds back in 2010!  Eating clean and raw is not only healthy and full of nutrients but it gives me so much more energy and clarity.

It’s sometimes difficult on the east coast to find fresh produce when it’s not in season locally.  I am fortunate enough to have a couple of connections and get my citrus shipped from Florida and recently found someone to send me fresh, amazing avocados from California!  (They even have an Avocado of the Month!) You should check out their site sometime!  Click here to visit: Avocado Diva’s link

I went shopping for fresh items I was out of that will make smoothie making that much easier! (Avocado – my fresh from Cali ones will be arriving next week sometime, pineapple, blueberries, bananas, strawberries)

Now I’d just like to find someone who ships more exotic fruit, red grapes, and soursop leaves!  If you know anyone, please leave info in my comment section for me!

So here is what I had today:

Pineapple, strawberries, and spinach!

I have to add my greens because it get too easy for me to pass on veggies if I don’t toss them in!

smoothie 1212

I’ve got some yummy ideas coming up this week!